Gold miners to be ‘forcibly’ vaccinated

Osman Mohamed Yusuf Kibir, governor of North Darfur, threatened to ‘forcibly’ vaccinate gold miners in Jebel ‘Amer against yellow fever, Radio Dabanga has learned on Thursday, 6 December. During a visit to the mine located in El-Sref Beni Hussein locality, Kibir stressed to the 35.000 workers that vaccination is a ‘must’, according to a statement.The governor declared that gold miners who do not respond to the campaign against yellow fever will be vaccinated by the security services. Besides, he added that if anyone refuses to take the shots they will be tried for suicide attempt. Kibir warned to Jebel ‘Amer’s newcomers that they can only enter the area after presenting their yellow fever vaccination cards at the gate. Lastly, he promised to provide drinking water and a mobile clinic to the workers in Jebel ‘Amer.  Photo: Osman Mohamed Yusuf Kibir (Radio Dabanga file photo)See also: Harsh conditions killing gold miners (16 October 2012)

Osman Mohamed Yusuf Kibir, governor of North Darfur, threatened to ‘forcibly’ vaccinate gold miners in Jebel ‘Amer against yellow fever, Radio Dabanga has learned on Thursday, 6 December.

During a visit to the mine located in El-Sref Beni Hussein locality, Kibir stressed to the 35.000 workers that vaccination is a ‘must’, according to a statement.

The governor declared that gold miners who do not respond to the campaign against yellow fever will be vaccinated by the security services. Besides, he added that if anyone refuses to take the shots they will be tried for suicide attempt.

Kibir warned to Jebel ‘Amer’s newcomers that they can only enter the area after presenting their yellow fever vaccination cards at the gate.

Lastly, he promised to provide drinking water and a mobile clinic to the workers in Jebel ‘Amer.  

Photo: Osman Mohamed Yusuf Kibir (Radio Dabanga file photo)

See also: Harsh conditions killing gold miners (16 October 2012)

