Girl raped, robbery in Tawila, North Darfur

Three gunmen who allegedly raped a 16-year-old girl in Tawila camp for displaced people have been arrested in North Darfur. Bandits robbed passengers of their belongings in the area on Sunday. In Shangil Tobaya, a child burned to death in a fire that destroyed several houses.

Three gunmen who allegedly raped a 16-year-old girl in Tawila camp for displaced people have been arrested in North Darfur. Bandits robbed passengers of their belongings in the area on Sunday. In Shangil Tobaya, a child burned to death in a fire that destroyed several houses.

A witness told Radio Dabanga that last weekend, a number of gunmen attacked a group of displaced women who were collecting firewood at Terra El Madrasa, five kilometres west of Tawila town. They seized a secondary school pupil, aged 16, and raped her.

“She is in a dire health and poor psychological state,” the witness said. She was brought to the hospital for treatment where she has remained until Monday.

The incident was reported to Unamid and police, who managed to arrest three of the alleged perpetrators.


On Sunday afternoon, bandits intercepted a commercial vehicle en route from El Fasher to Tawila and stole money and mobile phones of the passengers.

Mukhtar Bosh, an Omda in the area, told Radio Dabanga that the bandits drove a vehicle mounted with a machinegun on top. They forced the passengers of a commercial vehicle to disembark at Tundubaya area, 30 kilometres south of Tawila.

The passengers had to load all goods onto the vehicle of the robbers, who then moved in the direction of Um Jelbak.

Fire in Shangil Tobaya

A fire that broke out at Shangil Tobaya, North Darfur, resulted in the death of seven-year-old Hamoudi Yahya Abdelmalik on Monday. Six homes were destroyed.

“The fire expanded quickly because of the lack of means of firefighting, along with the intensity of the heat,” a resident in Shangil Tobaya reported.

