Four arrested by security forces in East Darfur

​Four men were taken from their homes in El Fadhu village in Asalaya locality on Thursday, reportedly for crimes related to obstruction of displaced persons from returning to their villages of origin.

South Darfuris, 23 July 2017 (RD)

Four men were taken from their homes in El Fadhu village in Asalaya locality on Thursday, reportedly for crimes related to obstruction of displaced persons from returning to their villages of origin.

The East Darfur security authorities took Habib El Raji, Mohamed El Mahdi, Adam El Safi and Abunoba Omar. According to reports, some of the men were also involved in frequent banditry on the road between Ed Daein and Nyala.

Sources told Radio Dabanga that the security committee of East Darfur has sentenced them to three months imprisonment according to laws under the State of Emergency initiated by the Sudanese government on February 22 and transferred them to Kober prison in Nyala, capital of South Darfur.

Attack on village

A few days ago, Radio Dabanga received reports that Arid village, a return village located in East Darfur, was subject to an armed attack in which two former displaced were killed. There is currently no further information available.

According to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in Sudan, during the first half of 2018, some 15,000 people were newly displaced in Darfur, all of which was in and from Jebel Marra. UN OCHA estimates that about 386,000 people have returned to their areas of origin in Sudan since 2015, mainly in Darfur.

Map of Darfur showing movement of displaced persons in 2018 (UN OCHA)


