Flood chaos in Sudan capital – more rains forecast

Heavy rains and flooding have affected over 88,000 people in 13 out of Sudan’s 18 states since the start of the rainy season in July, according to the Humanitarian Aid Commission (HAC). The water levels in the Nile River are above flood risk level in Khartoum, Ed Dein and Shendi stations, according to the Ministry of Irrigation and Water Resources, with several residential neighbourhood in the capital under water. The rain is forecast to continue until next week.

Flood devastation in River Nile stste (Photo: Hadreen)

Heavy rains and flooding have affected over 88,000 people in 13 out of Sudan’s 18 states since the start of the rainy season in July, according to the Humanitarian Aid Commission (HAC). The water levels in the Nile River are above flood risk level in Khartoum, Ed Dein and Shendi stations, according to the Ministry of Irrigation and Water Resources, with several residential neighbourhood in the capital under water. The rain is forecast to continue until next week.

In its latest Floods Flash Update published on Thursday, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) points out that more than 12,700 homes were damaged and over 4,800 homes destroyed. Most of the families affected by the heavy rain and flooding were forced to shelter with relatives and move to government buildings.

Heavy to very heavy rainfall is forecast between 31 August and 7 September, according to the IGAD Climate Prediction and Application Centre (ICPAC). The government, led by HAC, and aid organisations, and have started the provision of life-saving assistance to affected people.

Prepositioned relief items are being depleted and there is an urgent need to replenish stocks, especially if the humanitarian situation deteriorates further.

Most parts of White Nile, El Gedaref, Sennar, Kordofan states and Darfur region are expected to receive heavy to very heavy rainfall, according to the forecast. Nile River water level is rising since mid-July and currently the water levels are above the flood risk level in Khartoum, Ed Dein and Shendi stations. Heavy rain, flash flooding and riverine flood could hit some localities in the east, central and western part of Sudan in the coming days and weeks.

The official Sudan News Agency (SUNA) reported that the level of the Nile recorded at Khartoum on Thursday was 17.22 metres, which is less than the highest level the river had recorded by 44 centimetres, according to the daily report of the Flood Committee of the Ministry of Irrigation and Water Resources.

The volume of water flow of the Blue Nile at the Sudanese-Ethiopian borders was recorded at 582 million cubic metres, while that of River Atbara and the White Nile registered 259 million cubic metres and 130 million cubic metres a day respectively.

The report forecast a drop in the level of the Nile water at Khartoum by two centimetres, while it would be stable at each of Shendi and Atbara.

Heavy rains and flash floods inundated several residential neighbourhoods in Khartoum on Friday, with houses flooded and main roads impassable. The rain was accompanied by a power outage in most parts of the capital that lasted more than eight hours.

Local residents said that the rain caused houses in a number of neighbourhoods to collapse, but no loss of life was recorded.



