Five members of Jebel Marra family killed in Darfur air raid

An air raid by a Sudanese Air Force Antonov at Kabe near Guldo in Darfur’s Jebel Marra on Monday morning left five members of the same family dead.

An air raid by a Sudanese Air Force Antonov at Kabe near Guldo in Darfur’s Jebel Marra on Monday morning left five members of the same family dead.

A relative told Radio Dabanga that Hawa Yahya Bakr Karameldin (50), the baby she was carrying on her back, Mohamed Ali Abdallah (17), Hanouna Ishag Khamis (27) and Timja Ishag Khamis were farming. The bomb killed them all instantly.

Several callers reported to Radio Dabanga that Korn Bang, Taring, and the areas around Sorong witnessed intensive Air Force bombardments throughout Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday.

Child dead

Listeners from Taring village reported that 12-year-old Shadia Bakhit Saleh was killed in a bombardment on Tuesday.

Kwele, Barbara and Kourou areas in western Jebel Marra saw intensive aerial bombing without on Monday. No casualties have been reported.

Witnesses from Nierteti in Central Darfur confirmed that over the past few days, they have seen Antonov aircraft in the area. The sound of explosions in western Jebel Marra has been audible from Nierteti.


