Five Darfur students arrested in Khartoum

The Association of Darfur Students announced that five members were arrested yesterday in relation to efforts to organize a peaceful march against the high cost of living. The students arrested from Nilein University include one named Mohamed Ismail.

The Association of Darfur Students announced that five members were arrested yesterday in relation to efforts to organize a peaceful march against the high cost of living. The students arrested from Nilein University include one named Mohamed Ismail.The students had marched peacefully to protest against rising commodity prices, a student leader said. He claimed that the arrests targeted people from Darfur, and he demanded the release of members of the student association.

Amnesty International has called on the Sudanese government to investigate the circumstances that led to the death of a student protester who was reportedly beaten by security forces during his participation in the demonstrations a few days ago. Amnesty urged the government to cease repressing opposition protests and making mass arrests.

