Fire kills boy, destroys 300 homes

A fire broke out on in Abu Jabra in South Darfur yesterday killing a boy, 11 and wounding 12 others. The fire started at 1100 and destroyed the village wiping out 350 homes, killing Tayb Abdullah aged 11, 14 cows, 62 sheep many chickens and wiping out stores of wheat, millet and beans, said a witness. A strong wind helped the fire to quickly spread, added the witness. Around 300 families are now reported to be without shelter and only the clothes they are wearing for posessions. The witness called for local authorities and organsiations to lend a hand to the families.

A fire broke out on in Abu Jabra in South Darfur yesterday killing a boy, 11 and wounding 12 others.

The fire started at 1100 and destroyed the village wiping out 350 homes, killing Tayb Abdullah aged 11, 14 cows, 62 sheep many chickens and wiping out stores of wheat, millet and beans, said a witness.

A strong wind helped the fire to quickly spread, added the witness.

Around 300 families are now reported to be without shelter and only the clothes they are wearing for posessions.

The witness called for local authorities and organsiations to lend a hand to the families.



