Fellata, Salamat clash in Buram, South Darfur

On Sunday, clashes broke out between Fellata and Salamat in the area of Nadhif in South Darfur’s Buram locality. A so far unknown number of tribesmen from both sides were killed and wounded.

On Sunday, clashes broke out between Fellata and Salamat in the area of Nadhif in South Darfur’s Buram locality. A so far unknown number of tribesmen from both sides were killed and wounded.

Fellata Chief Yousef El Samani told Radio Dabanga that the fighting erupted near El Malwi in the administrative unit of Nadhif after mutual accusations of cattle rustling.

“The problems began more than two weeks ago, when Fellata accused Salamat of stealing 52 of their cows in Shergeila, southwest of Gereida,” he said.

“A Fellata search party followed the tracks of the cows until they arrived in Nadhif. The security forces there stopped the search party, and told them that they would return the cows to them.

“The search party waited for more than a week for news about the stolen cattle, to no avail.”

El Samani said that “after ten days or so, Salamat accused Fellata of stealing their livestock. A Salamat search team then entered the area of Jidad in Tullus locality, where they clashed with a group of Fellata. One Salamat and one Fellata were killed.

“Security forces from Buram intervened and separated the hostile tribesmen. Yet, a few days later, fighting broke out again whereby 15 tribesmen from both sides were killed,” the Fellata chief recounted.

He said that a week ago, he and his deputies visited the area, and understood from the warring parties that they were waiting for the South Darfur authorities to intervene and resolve the conflict.

“When no officials came, the Fellata decided to return to Malwa on Sunday. When they arrived there, militant Salamat ambushed them, after which fierce fighting broke out again.”

Salamat Omda Ali Abdallah told Radio Dabanga however that it were the Fellata who attacked the area of Nadhif on Sunday. He said that one Fellata was killed and 13 others suffered injuries, three of them seriously.

He accused the Fellata of attempting to expel them from Nadhif. “This is the only reason for the attacks.

“On Sunday morning, we saw about 1,600-1,700 Fellata riding camels and horses moving towards Nadhif. They were backed by tribesmen in six Land Cruisers, of which two were mounted with Dushka machine guns,” he said. “They were commanded by six omdas and two sons of the chief.

“We went to the regular forces stationed in the area and requested protection for our women and children, but they told us that they were not instructed to do so. So we took up our arms and defended ourselves.

“The attack was clearly planned by the Fellata,” he stressed. “But we managed to stop them before they arrived at Nadhif. 11 Fellata died. We handed the bodies to the government forces in the area. We lost 470 head of sheep.”

The Salamat omda said that large groups of tribesmen are still present in the area.

The Fellata and Salamat signed a peace treaty in September last year, after recurring clashes between February and August left 205 people dead and dozens wounded.  

