Farmers complain about early grazing

Farmers from several localities across Darfur have complained about early grazing of herders’ livestock on their farms, Radio Dabanga has learned on Monday November 19. Numbers of farmers from different localities across Darfur, have complained to Radio Dabanga about the early grazing of herders’ livestock on their farms. Those localities include Kutum, Kabkabiya and Saraf Omra in North Darfur, Garsila, Wadi Saleh and Bendessey in Central Darfur, Sirba, El-Geneina and Foro Baranga in West Darfur, Mershing and Manawashi in South Darfur.Additionally, the farmers complained about the violence and death threats they are exposed to in case they try to stop the herders from entering their farms. They expressed their fear of losing crops and money if the current situation continues. The farmers appealed through Radio Dabanga to local and state authorities to help in making the agricultural season a success, by intervening and resolving the tensions. According to the farmers, the situation will be resolved when the herders are forced to stick to the agreed dates in regards to grazing in all states, they added to Radio Dabanga.

Farmers from several localities across Darfur have complained about early grazing of herders’ livestock on their farms, Radio Dabanga has learned on Monday November 19.

Numbers of farmers from different localities across Darfur, have complained to Radio Dabanga about the early grazing of herders’ livestock on their farms. Those localities include Kutum, Kabkabiya and Saraf Omra in North Darfur, Garsila, Wadi Saleh and Bendessey in Central Darfur, Sirba, El-Geneina and Foro Baranga in West Darfur, Mershing and Manawashi in South Darfur.

Additionally, the farmers complained about the violence and death threats they are exposed to in case they try to stop the herders from entering their farms.

They expressed their fear of losing crops and money if the current situation continues. The farmers appealed through Radio Dabanga to local and state authorities to help in making the agricultural season a success, by intervening and resolving the tensions.

According to the farmers, the situation will be resolved when the herders are forced to stick to the agreed dates in regards to grazing in all states, they added to Radio Dabanga.

