Ex-Minawi troops begin integrating into Sudan army

Ex-rebel troops in El Fasher began yesterday integrating into the army. The 350 troops are separated from the Sudan Liberation Movement of Minni Minawi.

Ex-rebel troops in El Fasher began yesterday integrating into the army. The 350 troops are separated from the Sudan Liberation Movement of Minni Minawi.Maj. Gen. Al Tayib Al Masbah Osman, commander of the Sixth Infantry Division, said that the Armed Forces are ready to absorb the forces of the Sudan Liberation Army, which will be attached to the Armed Forces so as to contribute to achieving peace and stability in Darfur.

According to another security official, more ex-rebel troops are expected to integrate. The Deputy Commissioner of Security Arrangements in the Transitional Darfur Regional Authority said he expects in the coming days the arrival of a number of SLA soldeirs from Um Baro and Kornoi localities, besides others from the states of South and West Darfur.

