Evidence of Sudan using cluster bombs against Nuba population

The Sudan Armed Forces have used cluster bombs in raids against the population in the Nuba mountains. A video provides evidence of cluster ammunition in Kauda.

The Sudan Armed Forces have used cluster bombs in raids against the population in the Nuba mountains, South Kordofan. Pictures provide evidence of cluster ammunition used to hit the capital of the rebel-held area Kauda.

Nuba Reports produced a video showing the remains of cluster bombs which were dropped in the area on the 27 May. The bombing targeted civilian locations like a church, schools, and residential areas. A drone overflight on the previous day is believed to have informed the Sudanese Air Force. The army has denied the use of such cluster bombs, as it is prohibited according to the international convention of 2008.

According to the Humanitarian Update of the South Kordofan and Blue Nile Coordination Unit, the fighting on the ground in South Kordofan and Blue Nile has intensified. The fighting caused the displacement of approximately 50,000 people in the two areas in May 2015. “Many of the displaced suffered losses of most of their household goods and food stocks, which were looted and burnt by government aligned militias – mainly Rapid Support Forces (RSF) and Popular Defence Forces (PDF). The government forced around 12,000 people in Blue Nile to move to the outskirts of the capital Ed Damazin”, according to the report.

The unit estimates that an unknown number of civilians were killed and at least 48 were abducted by government forces or affiliated militias. “Indiscriminate and targeted aerial bombardment and shelling continue to create fear and cause stress for the civilian populations.” An estimated 180 bombs, including four cluster bombs, and about 300 shells were dropped on civilian locations in May 2015 resulting in the death of five people and injuring nineteen.

Both sides

On 5 May 2015, Sudanese military forces and pro-government militias attacked the villages of Shat Damam, Trawi, Mazariq and Hajar Dabib (Thobo locality), looting and burning properties, leading to 3,600 households (more than 20,000 people) displaced. One woman and two men were killed. Local informants reported 40 civilians were abducted and taken to Kadugli and their condition is unknown.

Attacks against civilians and looting in Western Jebels (Delling, As Sunut, Habila, and Lagawa localities) continue by both the rebel SPLA-N and Sudanese forces, with a particular concern for theft and raids in As Sunut locality, the report states.



