‘EU must inspect spending of trust fund by Sudan’: opposition

Opposition parties in eastern Sudan have demanded the large funding package to tackle illegal immigration by the European Union, to be used for selected projects, fearing that the money might enter into the pockets of corrupt groups in Sudan.

Opposition parties in eastern Sudan have demanded the large funding package to tackle illegal immigration by the European Union, to be used for selected projects, fearing that the money might enter into the pockets of corrupt groups in Sudan.

Abdallah Mousa, a leader in the party expressed his concerns that the funding of at least €100 million for Sudan “might be wasted”. He questioned the nature of safeguards the EU has found for disbursing the funds.

“The Sudanese government wasted previous funding provided by the State of Kuwait, for the development and reconstruction of eastern Sudan,” he said in an interview with Radio Dabanga on Thursday.

Mousa criticised the silence of Khartoum about human trafficking problems in the country, accusing it of failing in fighting the crime and a weakness in border control with neighbouring countries.

El Tawasul party also called on the EU to control aspects of the funding disbursement to the Sudanese government, in the union's attempt to curb illegal immigration to Europe.

Chairman Idris Sheydali told Radio Dabanga that he thinks Khartoum is not serious about fighting human trafficking gangs. “Some members of Sudan's regular forces are complicit to dealing with these gangs.

“The Sudanese government is weak in protecting refugees from neighbouring countries against human traffickers,” Sheydali said, pointing to cases of abuse against refugees by members of police and security service.

Sudan can expect €155 million from the EU fund to tackle and manage irregular migration

“The real challenge in the coming months will be the implementation of this package,” European Union Commissioner for International Cooperation and Development Neven Mimica stated this month when announcing the more than €100 million in funding for the country.

“I received a firm commitment of the Sudanese authorities to remove all obstacles and facilitate access, visas and travel permits to areas where EU projects will be implemented,” Mimica said.

The funding, to be implemented under the EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa, contains the development aid package of €100 million that is aimed to tackle the root causes of instability, irregular migration and displacement. Targeted areas are eastern Sudan, Darfur and South Kordofan and Blue Nile. Another €40 million is appointed to Better Migration Management, supporting the process in Khartoum.

An additional amount of €15 million should improve the living conditions of refugees and host communities in eastern Sudan (Kassala) and Khartoum, and strengthen the capacity of local authorities

