El Mahdi: ‘Sudan public must express feelings peacefully’

El Sadig El Mahdi, leader of the opposition National Umma Party (NUP) and chairman of the Sudan Call alliance, has called on the Sudanese public “to express their feelings peacefully without violence or sabotage, considering that this is a constitutional right protected by laws and customs”.

El Sadig El Mahdi, leader of the opposition National Umma Party (NUP) and chairman of the Sudan Call alliance, rides a horse through chanting crowds in Omdurman yesterday

El Sadig El Mahdi, leader of the opposition National Umma Party (NUP) and chairman of the Sudan Call alliance, has called on the Sudanese public “to express their feelings peacefully without violence or sabotage, considering that this is a constitutional right protected by laws and customs”.

El Mahdi, who arrived in Khartoum yesterday after an absence of more than a year, was addressing a mass rally after he moved through the streets of Omdurman on horseback, surrounded by supporters chanting slogans.

He praised the demonstrations and protests across the country, adding that they are voluntary and expected to increase as long as their causes remain in place.

In his speech, he said that the policies of the government have led to the deterioration of the country towards the crisis, pointing to the collapse of the Sudanese Pound, the deterioration of the banking system, the rise of the US Dollar exchange rate and its negative impact on the movement of trade, investment and living conditions, and failure of harvests.

‘Social contract for the salvation of the homeland’

El Mahdi offered his prescription to resolve the crisis in Sudan through what he called the social contract for the salvation of the homeland.

He called on all groups and leaders of Sudanese society and political and civil forces to sign the contract for national salvation and collectively and democratically submit it in the form of a memorandum consisting of four progress points for the Presidency of the Republic demanding the formation of a national government headed by consensus to stop the hostilities, release the prisoners, ensure public freedoms and facilitate the arrival of relief, resettle the displaced people into their villages voluntarily and conduct transitional justice since the independence of Sudan.

Sudan Call

Speaking at the reception of El Mahdi, the chairman of the parties of Sudan Call inside Sudan and chairman of the Sudanese Congress Party, Omar El Digeir, saluted the demonstrations that took place yesterday in Atbara and Port Sudan, which have been organised in various states during the past days, considering them “legitimate and democratic demands and fundamental rights a decent life”.

He called on the Sudanese people for “revolution and resistance against tyranny and the achievement of freedom and dignity”.

He also called on all forces of change to overcome differences for coordination and organisation in order to awaken inspiration. He announced the extension of the hand of friendship to the National Consensus Forces in order to take advantage of the historic moment they have set for joint action.

He also declared their categorical rejection of any settlement that would re-produce the existing regime while adhering to the political solution and not to withdraw from the regional and international platforms in favour of the regime.

