El Fasher-Kutum road closed in North Darfur

The El Fasher-Kutum road has been closed for the fourth consecutive day because of the insecurity in the area caused by attacks and looting by the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in Kutum locality. Speaking to Radio Dabanga, a trader from Kutum complained about the closure of the road, although he admitted that the traffic would certainly be prone to attacks. Trade has halted after the RSF attacked the areas of Hashaba, Um Sidir, and Baashim, northeast of Kutum town on Sunday. Twenty-five villages burned to ashes and more than 30,000 people were displaced. Newly displaced The population of the rural areas of El Fasher, Korma, and Kutum, who fled their homes, seeking refuge in the Unamid team site in Korma, El Fasher, or in the camps for the displaced in El Fasher locality, are in dire need of food, shelter, and medicines, the trader added. “I have travelled around, and found newly displaced in various places, surviving in the open, without receiving any support.” “The people are wondering why UN agencies and international organisations do not intervene and provide them with aid. They also ask why Unamid cannot protect them against the militia attacks.” File photo: Newly displaced in Shangil Tobaya, North Darfur (Albert Gonzalez Farran/Unamid) Related:Insecurity in North Darfur leads to lack of drinking water (26 March 2014) Attacks in North Darfur’s Kutum displace more than 30,000 (17 March 2014)

The El Fasher-Kutum road has been closed for the fourth consecutive day because of the insecurity in the area caused by attacks and looting by the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in Kutum locality.

Speaking to Radio Dabanga, a trader from Kutum complained about the closure of the road, although he admitted that the traffic would certainly be prone to attacks. Trade has halted after the RSF attacked the areas of Hashaba, Um Sidir, and Baashim, northeast of Kutum town on Sunday. Twenty-five villages burned to ashes and more than 30,000 people were displaced.

Newly displaced

The population of the rural areas of El Fasher, Korma, and Kutum, who fled their homes, seeking refuge in the Unamid team site in Korma, El Fasher, or in the camps for the displaced in El Fasher locality, are in dire need of food, shelter, and medicines, the trader added. “I have travelled around, and found newly displaced in various places, surviving in the open, without receiving any support.”

“The people are wondering why UN agencies and international organisations do not intervene and provide them with aid. They also ask why Unamid cannot protect them against the militia attacks.”

File photo: Newly displaced in Shangil Tobaya, North Darfur (Albert Gonzalez Farran/Unamid)


Insecurity in North Darfur leads to lack of drinking water (26 March 2014)

Attacks in North Darfur’s Kutum displace more than 30,000 (17 March 2014)

