East Darfur tribes agree to peaceful coexistence

On Wednesday the security committees of Adila and Abu Jabra localities in the border area of Halfa in East Darfur agreed to promote peaceful coexistence and social communication so as not to damage farms and livestock.

On Wednesday the security committees of Adila and Abu Jabra localities in the border area of Halfa in East Darfur agreed to promote peaceful coexistence and social communication so as not to damage farms and livestock.

The agreement came in the presence of the joint mechanism of the native administration of the Maaliya and Rizeigat tribes, where the two sides expressed firm desire to maintain security.

Osman Gasim, the Commissioner of Adila and Abu Karinka, announced the formation of community committees between the farmers in Adila and herders in Abu Jabra to sponsor and implement the outputs of this agreement.

He confirmed that his locality handled the incidents quickly with the neighbouring localities and the state government which helped his locality community not to be affected by the incidents.

He said that they are doing a great community work with the native administration that will make the lives of people normal, citing the continuous trade between the markets, the spread of farmers in the fields and the movements of pastoralists on paths away from the border areas.

The state of East Darfur on Wednesday deployed a military buffer force between the Maaliya and Rizeigat tribes following bloody clashes that have left scores of dead and wounded.

Omda Hamed Mohamedi Bashshar of the Ma’aliya tribe, said that army troops deployed in areas west of Abu Karinka to separate the two tribes. He explained that the situation witnessed a remarkable calm on Wednesday, while the situation was reportedly very tense on Tuesday.

