Renewed tribal clashes in East Darfur leave 49 dead

At least 49 people were killed and 29 wounded in new fighting between Rizeigat and Maaliya in East Darfur on Friday and Saturday.
The clashes that broke out in El Badia in the area of El Mejlid, east of Muhajiriya, on Friday, were triggered by charges of cattle theft.
Nine people were killed and 12 others injured, witnesses from both sides told Radio Dabanga.
The next day, the fighting grow more fierce in the area of Donki Umarag east of Muhajiriya. At least 40 tribesmen were killed, and more than 17 others wounded.

At least 49 people were killed and 29 wounded in new fighting between Rizeigat and Maaliya in East Darfur on Friday and Saturday.

The clashes that broke out in El Badia in the area of El Mejlid, east of Muhajiriya, on Friday, were triggered by charges of cattle theft.

Nine people were killed and 12 others injured, witnesses from both sides told Radio Dabanga.

The next day, the fighting grow more fierce in the area of Donki Umarag east of Muhajiriya. At least 40 tribesmen were killed, and more than 17 others wounded.

At least 13 of the wounded were taken to Ed Daein Hospital on Sunday..

The sources all complained about the silence of the authorities. “They were nowhere to be seen,” one of them told this station.

They warned for more violence if the authorities do not intervene soon, “in particular as the warring parties are mobilising their youth at the moment”.


