Doctor: ‘Diarrhoea cases mounting in central Sudan’

The El Gezira Hospital for Tumours reported a daily admission of 35 new cases of watery diarrhoea among children on Thursday.
Between 30 and 40 children suffering from watery diarrhoea visit the hospital daily, the director of El Gezira Hospital said in a workshop in Wad Madani, the capital of El Gezira.
During the last quarter of 2016, reports about the spread of watery diarrhoea in various parts of Sudan increased. The first cases were reported in Blue Nile state, where at least 17 people died of the disease in September. A doctor working at the Ed Damazin Hospital in the Blue Nile capital attributed the high prevalence of the disease to the contamination of meat, vegetables and drinking water.
The federal Health Ministry reported cases in Blue Nile and Kassala in southern and eastern Sudan and River Nile state in northern Sudan in the same month. The first samples of patients were examined for cholera as well.

The El Gezira Hospital for Tumours reported a daily admission of 35 new cases of watery diarrhoea among children on Thursday.

Between 30 and 40 children suffering from watery diarrhoea visit the hospital daily, the director of El Gezira Hospital said in a workshop in Wad Madani, the capital of El Gezira.

During the last quarter of 2016, reports about the spread of watery diarrhoea in various parts of Sudan increased. The first cases were reported in Blue Nile state, where at least 17 people died of the disease in September. A doctor working at the Ed Damazin Hospital in the Blue Nile capital attributed the high prevalence of the disease to the contamination of meat, vegetables and drinking water.

The federal Health Ministry reported cases in Blue Nile and Kassala in southern and eastern Sudan and River Nile state in northern Sudan in the same month. The first samples of patients were examined for cholera as well.

The Health Ministry in Khartoum has denied the latest reports about the spread of the deadly disease in central Sudan’s El Gezira. Yet, a spokesman announced on Thursday that “precautionary procedures have been set to face the cases of acute watery diarrhoea that have recently hit some states”.

The Ministry’s measures consist of “field visits by environmentalists, preventive medicine experts, health, and health and hygiene officers for the supervision, cleaning, and the combating of flies at the markets”.

