Doctor dead, 15 injured and 54 homes torched during attack on Nertiti North, Central Darfur

Formations of pro-government militias and government troops (SAF) allegedly attacked camp Nertiti North for displaced people in Central Darfur on Sunday night, killing a doctor, and injuring 15 residents. Hussein Abu Sharati, spokesman for the association of displaced persons and refugees of Darfur, told Radio Dabanga that government forces supported by militias launched the attack from all directions. “They used Land Cruiser vehicles and opened fire, killing Dr Adam Mohamed Hamid, medical director of the nutrition centre at the camp and wounding 15 others. “The displaced fled to the area of Kelleh, North of Nertiti, where they are now living under poor conditions,” Abu Sharati said. “During the attack, 54 houses were torched and the nutrition centre was also set alight. 18 donkeys were stolen. There were still some people trapped inside the camp when the Sudanese Air Force bombed the road between Nertiti and Thur.” Abu Sharati said a meeting was held on Monday the Kalma camp, South Darfur between the displaced association and Unamid to make arrangements for the immediate protection of the displaced people of the Nertiti camps against attack by the government and its militias. “The attacks are brutal and against international law,” he said. He also pointed out that the area of Thur is becoming a stronghold for pro-government militias. Abu Sharati mentioned that the government troops arrested three people during the attack, and also destroyed the camp’s water tank. “They also burned the camp’s nutrition centre”. Abu Sharati criticised Unamid for not intervening and protecting the displaced, and concluded: “The nutrition centre belongs to a foreign organisation that provides nutrition for children. The killing of Dr Hamid and the torching of the centre proves that the government clearly does not want any organisations to assist the displaced of Darfur.” File picture: A water tank similar to the one destroyed in Sunday’s attack (UNHCR)Related: ‘Fierce battle near Thur, Central Darfur, kills 29 government troops’: SLA-AW (10 June 2013)

Formations of pro-government militias and government troops (SAF) allegedly attacked camp Nertiti North for displaced people in Central Darfur on Sunday night, killing a doctor, and injuring 15 residents.

Hussein Abu Sharati, spokesman for the association of displaced persons and refugees of Darfur, told Radio Dabanga that government forces supported by militias launched the attack from all directions. “They used Land Cruiser vehicles and opened fire, killing Dr Adam Mohamed Hamid, medical director of the nutrition centre at the camp and wounding 15 others.

“The displaced fled to the area of Kelleh, North of Nertiti, where they are now living under poor conditions,” Abu Sharati said. “During the attack, 54 houses were torched and the nutrition centre was also set alight. 18 donkeys were stolen. There were still some people trapped inside the camp when the Sudanese Air Force bombed the road between Nertiti and Thur.”

Abu Sharati said a meeting was held on Monday the Kalma camp, South Darfur between the displaced association and Unamid to make arrangements for the immediate protection of the displaced people of the Nertiti camps against attack by the government and its militias. “The attacks are brutal and against international law,” he said. He also pointed out that the area of Thur is becoming a stronghold for pro-government militias.

Abu Sharati mentioned that the government troops arrested three people during the attack, and also destroyed the camp’s water tank. “They also burned the camp’s nutrition centre”.

Abu Sharati criticised Unamid for not intervening and protecting the displaced, and concluded: “The nutrition centre belongs to a foreign organisation that provides nutrition for children. The killing of Dr Hamid and the torching of the centre proves that the government clearly does not want any organisations to assist the displaced of Darfur.”

File picture: A water tank similar to the one destroyed in Sunday’s attack (UNHCR)

Related: ‘Fierce battle near Thur, Central Darfur, kills 29 government troops’: SLA-AW (10 June 2013)

