Displaced, refugees’ congratulations and demands to Obama

Displaced and refugees from Darfur congratulate the US President Barack Obama for winning the US presidential elections on 6 November, and would like to submit him demands via Radio Dabanga.  First of all, they called on Obama to play a more active role in protecting the ‘oppressed, the marginalized, and the displaced persons on earth, especially the people of Darfur, from tyrants and murderers’. Besides, they hope that Obama will move forward with his commitment to ‘extend freedom, democracy, justice and prosperity for the peoples of the earth’. The displaced and refugees also asked Obama to support the people of Darfur and of Sudan, as he also supported and stood by the side of people from Libya and Syria. The interviewees also appealed for the US president to impose tight sanctions and restrictions on influential senior state officials from Sudan, on the National Congress Party (NCP) members, on elements from the security service, on the military, on businessmen related to the NCP and on their security. No-fly zone Via Radio Dabanga, the displaced and refugees also demanded that the US president stops the government of Sudan from carrying out aerial bombings and ground attacks on unarmed civilians. They suggested Obama to impose a no-fly zone over Darfur, South Kordofan and Blue Nile. The interviewees also asked that the UN Security Council resolutions on Darfur are implemented. According to them, the top priority is the arrest of perpetrators who committed genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity in Darfur and that they are brought to the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague, the Netherlands. In addition, they requested that the people in need have access to humanitarian relief and aid, that the mandate of UNAMID is changed from peacekeeping to ‘imposing peace’, that pro-government militias are disarmed, and that a comprehensive solution for Sudan is adopted, instead of several partial ones.   The displaced and refugees explained that issues cannot be separated from each other in Sudan and that it is wrong to adopt partial solutions for the country. The latter, according to them, would only bring more wars and suffering.

Displaced and refugees from Darfur congratulate the US President Barack Obama for winning the US presidential elections on 6 November, and would like to submit him demands via Radio Dabanga. 

First of all, they called on Obama to play a more active role in protecting the ‘oppressed, the marginalized, and the displaced persons on earth, especially the people of Darfur, from tyrants and murderers’. Besides, they hope that Obama will move forward with his commitment to ‘extend freedom, democracy, justice and prosperity for the peoples of the earth’.

The displaced and refugees also asked Obama to support the people of Darfur and of Sudan, as he also supported and stood by the side of people from Libya and Syria.

The interviewees also appealed for the US president to impose tight sanctions and restrictions on influential senior state officials from Sudan, on the National Congress Party (NCP) members, on elements from the security service, on the military, on businessmen related to the NCP and on their security.

No-fly zone

Via Radio Dabanga, the displaced and refugees also demanded that the US president stops the government of Sudan from carrying out aerial bombings and ground attacks on unarmed civilians. They suggested Obama to impose a no-fly zone over Darfur, South Kordofan and Blue Nile.

The interviewees also asked that the UN Security Council resolutions on Darfur are implemented. According to them, the top priority is the arrest of perpetrators who committed genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity in Darfur and that they are brought to the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague, the Netherlands.

In addition, they requested that the people in need have access to humanitarian relief and aid, that the mandate of UNAMID is changed from peacekeeping to ‘imposing peace’, that pro-government militias are disarmed, and that a comprehensive solution for Sudan is adopted, instead of several partial ones.  

The displaced and refugees explained that issues cannot be separated from each other in Sudan and that it is wrong to adopt partial solutions for the country. The latter, according to them, would only bring more wars and suffering.


