‘Displaced North Darfur population needs relief’

North Darfur state officials have reported that the “80 percent of the population in El Taweisha and Alliet Jarelnabi localities displaced by the rebels’ attacks” is living in a “bad” humanitarian situation. They accused the rebels of looting an enormous amount of money in these localities. Osman Kibir, Governor of North Darfur, has confirmed that it is currently difficult to deliver relief items to Kalamindo, El Taweisha and Alliet Jarelnabi localities due to the presence of armed rebel movements in those areas. The head of the charity association for the eastern areas of North Darfur confirmed at a press conference that 80 percent of the population from El Taweisha and Alliet Jarelnabi localities has been displaced, in Khartoum on Thursday. People fled to Ghubaysh area in West Kordofan, for example. “350,000 people were affected by incidents after the rebel movements’ attack on both areas”, Adam Hassan Mahmoud said. “They lack shelter, food, water, and clothing and need immediate relief.“ One of the displaced in Ghubaysh told Radio Dabanga on Tuesday that a total of 27,000 people were displaced by the rebels’ attacks in the localities. ‘Banks looted’ Ishag Hussein, the member of the National Assembly for the constituencies of El Taweisha and Alliet Jarelnabi, accused the rebel forces of looting “SDG 430,000 ($75,194) from the Zakat (alms taxes) Chamber, seven million SDG ($1,224,100) from the family bank, and two million SDG ($349,741) from the agricultural bank. They also caused the regional market losses estimated at ten million SDG ($1,748,710).” Exams moved The state’s Ministry of Education announced on Thursday that the eight grade pupils in El Taweisha and Alliet Jarelnabi “who have been affected by the security events” will make their exams in Um Keddada locality this year. Minister Ahmed Tijani Sineen made the statement when answering questions from the state’s legislature members on the Ministry’s final statement on Thursday. File photo: Displaced people in North Darfur (HRW) Related: ‘Sudan Armed Forces will liberate North Darfur soon’: Vice President (12 March 2014)

North Darfur state officials have reported that the “80 percent of the population in El Taweisha and Alliet Jarelnabi localities displaced by the rebels’ attacks” is living in a “bad” humanitarian situation. They accused the rebels of looting an enormous amount of money in these localities.

Osman Kibir, Governor of North Darfur, has confirmed that it is currently difficult to deliver relief items to Kalamindo, El Taweisha and Alliet Jarelnabi localities due to the presence of armed rebel movements in those areas.

The head of the charity association for the eastern areas of North Darfur confirmed at a press conference that 80 percent of the population from El Taweisha and Alliet Jarelnabi localities has been displaced, in Khartoum on Thursday. People fled to Ghubaysh area in West Kordofan, for example. “350,000 people were affected by incidents after the rebel movements’ attack on both areas”, Adam Hassan Mahmoud said. “They lack shelter, food, water, and clothing and need immediate relief.“

One of the displaced in Ghubaysh told Radio Dabanga on Tuesday that a total of 27,000 people were displaced by the rebels’ attacks in the localities.

‘Banks looted’

Ishag Hussein, the member of the National Assembly for the constituencies of El Taweisha and Alliet Jarelnabi, accused the rebel forces of looting “SDG 430,000 ($75,194) from the Zakat (alms taxes) Chamber, seven million SDG ($1,224,100) from the family bank, and two million SDG ($349,741) from the agricultural bank. They also caused the regional market losses estimated at ten million SDG ($1,748,710).”

Exams moved

The state’s Ministry of Education announced on Thursday that the eight grade pupils in El Taweisha and Alliet Jarelnabi “who have been affected by the security events” will make their exams in Um Keddada locality this year. Minister Ahmed Tijani Sineen made the statement when answering questions from the state’s legislature members on the Ministry’s final statement on Thursday.

File photo: Displaced people in North Darfur (HRW)

Related: ‘Sudan Armed Forces will liberate North Darfur soon’: Vice President (12 March 2014)

