Demands of Sudan’s El Jebelein sit-in to be implemented

The sit-in set up by members of Resistance Committees active in El Jebelein in White Nile state five days ago was lifted yesterday.
The activists organised a sit-in in front of the locality’s offices in the town on Thursday, demanding a solution to the chronic water problem in the town and an increase in the subsidised flour quota.

The sit-in of Jebelein on Sunday (Social media)

The sit-in set up by members of Resistance Committees active in El Jebelein in White Nile state five days ago was lifted yesterday.

The activists organised a sit-in in front of the locality’s offices in the town on Thursday, demanding a solution to the chronic water problem in the town and an increase in the subsidised flour quota.  

The protesters also demanded the restructuring of the locality’s administration and replacement of officials linked with the regime of ousted President Al Bashir.

They want the revocation of permits needed to enter food items in the locality, tightened control along the border with South Sudan, regular inspection of the slaughterhouses and butchers in the locality, re-organisation of the markets, an improved environment and infrastructure, fixed transportation tariffs, and better roads.

Shazli Khaled, Secretary-General of the White Nile state government, visited the sit-in yesterday. After a meeting with the activist leaders, he told the protestors that an agreement was reached, and the sit-in would be lifted.

He said the two parties agreed to divide the demands according to urgency, and will be implemented accordingly.

Khaled lauded the principles and values ​​of the December Revolution. He confirmed the legitimacy of their demands, and promised to work hard in order to have them implemented as soon as possible.

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