Defiant mass marches continue across Sudan

Tens of thousands of people took to the streets in all parts of Sudan yesterday, rejecting any negotiation or partnership with the leaders of the coup, and rejecting the agreement signed in Khartoum yesterday between Gen Abdelfattah El Burhan, leader of the military junta, and Sudan’s Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok, to return the country to democratic transition in terms of the Constitutional Document.

Anti-coup poster

Tens of thousands of people took to the streets in all parts of Sudan yesterday, rejecting any negotiation or partnership with the leaders of the coup, and rejecting the agreement signed in Khartoum yesterday between Gen Abdelfattah El Burhan, leader of the military junta, and Sudan’s Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok, to return the country to democratic transition in terms of the Constitutional Document.

Military forces fired tear gas heavily at a number of peaceful demonstrations converging on the Republican Palace in Khartoum and Bahri El Muasasa.

Demonstrations continued in the vicinity of the Republican Palace amid hit and run between the military forces and the demonstrators, before withdrawing and joining the demonstrations in El Sitteen Street and Burri.

Khartoum witnessed huge demonstrations in El Sitteen Street, Burri, El Sahafa, and Jabra, and Omdurman witnessed processions on El Shaheed Abdelazim Street and others. Besides the huge marches in Khartoum North/Bahri.

The participants chanted slogans rejecting any negotiation or partnership with the coup leaders and demanding civilian rule.

Protest marches took place in Dongola, Atbara, Wad Madani, Sennar, Ed Damazin, Rabak, and El Obeid. In Darfur, demonstrations took place in Nyala, Zalingei, and El Fasher, and in eastern Sudan’s Port Sudan, Kassala, and El Gedaref.

More mass Marches of the Millions are planned for Thursday, November 25.

A poster by the North Kordofan Teachers Committee promoting yesterday’s March of Millions



The Socialist Doctors Association reported the death of protester called Yousef from El Sawra Block 13 in Omdurman from a gunshot wound to the head.

In a field report, the Association indicated that three protesters sustained various injuries, ranging from suffocation to a direct hit to the head with a tear gas cylinder, and a leg injury with live ammunition in Omdurman.

Five activists were wounded in Jabra as a result of live ammunition.

A protestor prepares to return a tear gas cannister fired by military forces
during yestrday's march in Khartoum (Photo: Social media)


In White Nile state, student Mazen Abdelbagi was hit with a tear gas cylinder in the head during the demonstrations in Rabak.

The Unified Doctors Bureau announced that the military forces continued “their blatant attacks on hospitals and health facilities”. The statement said that tear gas was fired inside Khartoum Teaching Hospital, “without regard to the sanctity of the hospital and the injured and sick”.

Poster promoting March of the Millions on Thursday, November 25:
No Negotiation For Illegal Partnership'


