Death toll rises to 7 for slayings at El Fasher protest

The death toll for the protest in El Fasher has risen to seven, according to medical sources at the city hospital. Sources initially said four were killed but three more have since died from their injuries. Security forces fired on the protestors during a demonstration Sunday by defrauded investors. The protestors were demanding the government to compensate them for their losses in the Mawasir market scam. North Darfur Governor Osman Kibir denied any involvement in the market scam, which was a ‘Ponzi’ type scheme. He pointed a finger at opposition parties who lost in the elections for being behind the demonstrations, inciting an economic crisis into a political one. As of Tuesday there were still more than thirty (30) people being kept at the hospital with wounds from the protest. Nineteen (19) of them were in critical condition.

The death toll for the protest in El Fasher has risen to seven, according to medical sources at the city hospital. Sources initially said four were killed but three more have since died from their injuries. Security forces fired on the protestors during a demonstration Sunday by defrauded investors. The protestors were demanding the government to compensate them for their losses in the Mawasir market scam. North Darfur Governor Osman Kibir denied any involvement in the market scam, which was a ‘Ponzi’ type scheme. He pointed a finger at opposition parties who lost in the elections for being behind the demonstrations, inciting an economic crisis into a political one. As of Tuesday there were still more than thirty (30) people being kept at the hospital with wounds from the protest. Nineteen (19) of them were in critical condition.


