Darfuri students surprised by university’s fee demand

The Technology University decides that Darfuri students are no longer exempted from paying tuition fees, going against what is stipulated in peace agreements.

The Sudan University of Science and Technology decided to financially equal the Darfuri students with all the students admitted to the university. Students from Darfur are exempted from the payment of school fees according to peace agreements the government signed.

The head of the association of Darfuri students in the university told Radio Dabanga that the administration surprised them with this decision on Sunday .

The annual fee for the students is about SDG50 ($26), beside a tuition of SDG500 ($84).

The head said that they reject the decision, pointing to the Doha Document for Peace in Darfur (2011) that exempts Darfuri students from paying these fees. He demanded immediate action from the Darfur Regional Authority, that coordinates the peace agreement’s implementations.

