Darfuri student leaders fear arrest in Khartoum

Members of the executive committee of the Darfur Students Association at the University of the Holy Koran in Khartoum, fear arrest if they enter university premises.

Members of the executive committee of the Darfur Students Association at the University of the Holy Koran in Khartoum, fear arrest if they enter university premises.

A student highlighted to Radio Dabanga the association’s head, Adam Ibrahim Hajar, and Hamid Asmatullah, the deputy secretary general have been in detention for four weeks.

He added the University Administration has placed the names of the members of the executive on attendee list to see the deans, which expose them to arrest should they go to the university.

Fees exemption

On 1 December, eight students at the University of the Holy Koran were injured, and three detained, when Darfuri students and student supporters of the ruling National Congress Party clashed during a demonstration.

Students clashed at the Holy Koran University in Khartoum, which led to the injury of eight students and the arrest of three others, on Thursday.

A student of the Darfur Students Association told Radio Dabanga that the group held an event about the exemption of tuition fees for Darfuri university students in Sudan. The exemption is stipulated in the Doha Document for Peace (DDPD) covering the conflict in Darfur.

“After the start of the event, the security apparatus and student members of the ruling National Congress Party attacked us with live ammunition. Eight Darfuri students were injured, including Awad Babiker, Adam Suleiman, Adam, Mohamad Adam, Hussein Mohammed Hussein, Nasr Ishag Hussein and Adam Mohammed Adam.”

He reported that the security agents detained Adam Ibrahim Hajar, Hamid Asmatullah, and Omer Adam Ismail, who is deputy head of the association.

Riot police arrived at the scene, firing tear gas to disperse the students, the witness said.

