Darfur: Unamid welcomes JEM order against child soldiers

Unamid has welcomed the welcomes the renewed Command Order issued by the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) on 25 January 2017, prohibiting the recruitment and use of children in its ranks, along with other violations against children.

Unamid has welcomed the welcomes the renewed Command Order issued by the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) on 25 January 2017, prohibiting the recruitment and use of children in its ranks, along with other violations against children.

In a statement issued today by the peacekeeping Mission’s public information office, Unamid welcomes the Order, which instructs all members of JEM to continue to fully adhere to the international and local laws governing the protection of children in armed conflict and not to recruit or use child soldiers, not to associate with children, or allow children to voluntarily join.

“The Order, which follows an earlier one issued by the group in 2015, also strictly prohibits JEM members from all other forms of abuses and exploitation of children, including sexual violence, abduction, killing and maiming, as well as attacks on schools and hospitals,” the statement says.

“It is encouraging to see this latest commitment to the protection of children,” said the Acting Joint Special Representative, Jeremiah Mamabolo.  “Unamid will continue to engage with all parties to the conflict in Darfur about their responsibility to protect children and for an end to all forms of violations against children.”

“Unamid is mandated by the United Nations Security Council to, in part, provide a protective environment in Darfur, with particular attention paid to children who are amongst the most vulnerable,” the statement concludes.

