Darfur’s Minawi faction and ruling NCP update terms of their peace deal

The National Congress announced with the Sudan Liberation Movement faction of Minni Minawi that they have reached agreement on the establishment of a “political partnership strategy” and the restructuring of the Transitional Regional Authority at different levels so as to achieve harmony and efficiency in support of programs to strengthen security and stability in Darfur.

The National Congress announced with the Sudan Liberation Movement faction of Minni Minawi that they have reached agreement on the establishment of a “political partnership strategy” and the restructuring of the Transitional Regional Authority at different levels so as to achieve harmony and efficiency in support of programs to strengthen security and stability in Darfur. <--break-><--break->In a joint statement yesterday signed by representatives of the SLM-MM and the NCP, the parties said that the dialogue between them resulted in the establishment of a partnership within the framework of the existing cooperation between the two sides, to enforce the terms of Darfur Peace Agreement signed in Abuja in 2006.

The deal has now been updated in order to maintain partnership in national power and wealth sharing, security arrangements and the return of displaced persons and refugees to their homes and villages. Some terms of the agreement had expired upon completion of the national elections this year. The statement stressed that the two parties have a unified vision for the promotion of peace efforts in Darfur and all over the country.

