Darfur rebels scorn DDPD conclusion celebrations

The leaders of the Darfuri resistance movements have ridiculed yesterday’s celebrations to mark the completion of implementation of the Doha Document for Peace in Darfur (DDPD) and the consequent dismantling of the Darfur Regional Authority (DRA).

The leaders of the Darfuri resistance movements have ridiculed yesterday’s celebrations to mark the completion of implementation of the Doha Document for Peace in Darfur (DDPD) and the consequent dismantling of the Darfur Regional Authority (DRA).

The head of the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), Jibril Ibrahim, said “the only thing achieved by Al Bashir, and carried out by [DRA chairman El Tijani] Sese on behalf of the regime, is to divide Darfur into more states in an effort to eliminate the Darfur name. This is because a unified Darfur is the greatest concern of the regime.”

Reacting to the mass celebration in El Fasher yesterday, he said that “the DRA has done nothing for the displaced persons; has not returned their stolen lands by compensating not even a single displaced person”.

Ibrahim said he considered the celebration a form of personal interest for the officials of the DRA, that is not of any benefit to those affected by the war. He cited the presence of hundreds of thousands of displaced people in the camps as an example.


Abdel Wahid Mohammed Ahmed El Nur, the Head of the Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM-AW), considers the celebration as “a declaration of the failure of Al Bashir and Sese in achieving peace in Darfur” and “an attempt to break the will of the people of Darfur and their desire for freedom and real peace”.

He said that “the Khartoum regime understands nothing but the language of force” and that “real peace is not to be made by celebrations, but through people's sense of security on the ground, disarming of militias, return of displaced persons and refugees to their land and villages.”

El Nur called on the Chad’s President Deby not to assist Al Bashir, “because those whom Al Bashir is killing and displacing are his own relatives.”

He appealed to the Sudanese people to unite to uproot the regime and establish real peace.

