‘Darfur rebels kill over 100 govt. troops in Jebel Marra’: SLM-AW spokesman

The Sudan Liberation Movement, headed by Abdelwahid El Nur (SLM-AW) reportedly killed 107 army and allied militia troops in Jebel Marra over the past few days.
“At least 71 other government troops were wounded”, SLM-AW spokesman Shihabeldin Ahmed Hagar told Radio Dabanga late this afternoon.
“We managed to destroy seven vehicles and again seized large quantities of weapons and ammunition.”
A large force of army soldiers and militiamen attacked the area of Berbera, Sawa, and Baga in western Jebel Marra on Saturday morning.
“The battle lasted until Monday afternoon,” Hagar said. “This morning, the air force dropped six barrel bombs on the area, causing panic and terror among the population. Most of them sought shelter in the gorges and caves in the mountains.”

The Sudan Liberation Movement, headed by Abdelwahid El Nur (SLM-AW) reportedly killed 107 army and allied militia troops in Jebel Marra over the past few days.

“At least 71 other government troops were wounded”, SLM-AW spokesman Shihabeldin Ahmed Hagar told Radio Dabanga late this afternoon.

“We managed to destroy seven vehicles and again seized large quantities of weapons and ammunition.”

A large force of army soldiers and militiamen attacked the area of Berbera, Sawa, and Baga in western Jebel Marra on Saturday morning.

“The battle lasted until Monday afternoon,” Hagar said. “This morning, the air force dropped six barrel bombs on the area, causing panic and terror among the population. Most of them sought shelter in the gorges and caves in the mountains.”

