Darfur rebel alliance makes peace with government of Sudan

The Doha peace negotiations ended today with a framework agreement between the government of Sudan and the Liberation and Justice Movement (LJM). There is agreed upon a cease-fire of three months, rehabilitations of IDPs to their original areas, compensation and power and wealth sharing.

The Doha peace negotiations ended today with a framework agreement between the government of Sudan and the Liberation and Justice Movement (LJM). There is agreed upon a cease-fire of three months, rehabilitations of IDPs to their original areas, compensation and power and wealth sharing. Tijani Sissi, leader of the LJM said the Darfur issue is one of the examples of the problems in Sudan. “We should negotiate the roots of the problem,” he said. He pointed out that the southern people took their guns to address marginalization as was the case in Darfur. People think that arms are the only option to be heard. Sissi assured he wants unity in Sudan and equality and freedom. If the state of Sudan were to collapse it would create a division in Africa. He thinks the role of the regional and international communities should not stop to solve the problem of Darfur. He said there should not be competition between those communities.

Sissi said the IDPs have to return safely and will be provided with necessary services. This should be embedded in a strategic plan. Reconcilliation and justice is important for the people of Darfur. El-Sissi mentioned the upcoming elections in Sudan during his speech. He said that if Sudan is going to hold the election without peace, Darfur will be excluded from the election. The census excluded IDPs and refugees and this should be solved.

The rebel coalition leader also mentioned that this is the time to stop the war and return the IDPs to their home areas. He told they do not sign the agreement to sell peace and to get a job but to achieve a just and comprehensive peace which reflects the reality and history of Darfur. A peace between the Darfurian people and the government. He said that they are going beyond the movements and and the factions knowledge of Darfur and appealed all movements to join his movement to achieve real peace in Darfur.

Vice President Ali Osman Mohamed Taha assured to implement this newly signed framework. He mentioned the other agreement with the South which they are implementing despite difficulties because the international community did not gave money for development and rehabilitation. He told an agreement does not say the problems are solved, it need patience of both sides because they need to go in details. Taha announced that president Bashir and first vice president Salva Kiir are ready to push the negotiations and implement the agreement and told the elections in Darfur will proceed. As is agreed with the LJM they will solve problems to let Darfurians participate. He told there is flexibility with groups who did not register for the elections.

The prime minister of Qatar, Hamad bin Yassim said the final peace agreement is ready to sign and there are looking for other parties to join within the next two weeks. He also said the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) is important for peace. The JEM delegation decided to leave the Doha negotiations earlier. They were against the talks between the government and the LJM. Earlier the JEM signed a framework agreement with the government in N’djamena in Chad. Ahmed Hussein, spokesperson of the movement told Radio Dabanga that they see the agreement as public relations. 

