Darfur man held as hostage for brother

A displaced man was abducted from his home in North Darfur on Saturday by a group of militiamen. They have taken him hostage to compel his brother to return to them.

A displaced man was abducted from his home in North Darfur on Saturday by a group of militiamen. They have taken him hostage to compel his brother to return to them.

Ahmed Khatir Eisa was seized from his home in camp Jebel in Saraf Umra locality. Sheikh Abdul Razeg Yousif, the Coordinator of Saraf Umra camps, told Radio Dabanga that the men arrived at the camp in a Land Cruser mounted with a Duschka machinegun. The entered the house in the northern sector of the camp and took Eisa the militia detention camp at Korum Bang area, south of the Barre Valley between the states of Central and North Darfur.

Sheikh Abdul Razeg said that the men took Eisa hostage because of the escape of his brother Mohammed Daoud who they kidnapped six months ago. The sheikh said the militiamen have put a condition that Mohammed Daoud must return to them before they will release Eisa.

He added that on Sunday a group of Sheikhs and native administrators of camp Jebel went to negotiate with the militia in Korum Bang area for the release of Eisa.

He said that they hold the United Nations responsible for any attacks against the displaced, and appealed to the African Union to assume full responsibility for the displaced and stop the militia attacks on them.

