‘Darfur health services far from sufficient’: Minister

The people of all five Darfur states suffer from a lack of health services. The Minister of Health of the Darfur Regional Authority (DRA), Dr Firdaus Abdelrahman Yousef, told reporters on Monday that the health services in Sudan’s war-torn western region, “especially in the remote areas” are far from sufficient. “The dire economic situation and the lack of secure transport means in Darfur have led to an increase of mortality rates, in particular among children and mothers,” she stated. The minister said that the costs for the implementation of new primary health care projects in Darfur amount to SDG 4,950,000 ($860,585). File photo: Members of Unamid’s Nepalese special forces conduct a medical campaign in the remote area of Kuma Garadayat, North Darfur (Albert González Farran/Unamid)

The people of all five Darfur states suffer from a lack of health services.

The Minister of Health of the Darfur Regional Authority (DRA), Dr Firdaus Abdelrahman Yousef, told reporters on Monday that the health services in Sudan’s war-torn western region, “especially in the remote areas” are far from sufficient.

“The dire economic situation and the lack of secure transport means in Darfur have led to an increase of mortality rates, in particular among children and mothers,” she stated.

The minister said that the costs for the implementation of new primary health care projects in Darfur amount to SDG 4,950,000 ($860,585).

File photo: Members of Unamid’s Nepalese special forces conduct a medical campaign in the remote area of Kuma Garadayat, North Darfur (Albert González Farran/Unamid)

