Curfew after West Kordofan murder

The assassination of a South Sudanese official has prompted El Meiram locality in West Kordofan to declare a State of Emergency and impose a curfew. Export of goods is prohibited.

The assassination of a South Sudanese official has prompted El Meiram locality in West Kordofan to declare a State of Emergency and impose a curfew. Export of goods is prohibited.

On Monday, the Executive Director of El Meiram and the Chairman of the Security Committee announced the imposition of a curfew and the closure of all access routes except one. The authorities fear that the murder of Abu Shouk, who allegedly used to send supplies to the armed forces of South Sudanese opposition leader Riek Machar , may lead to fighting in the town.

A resident said in a telephone interview with Radio Dabanga that Abu Shouk was killed on Friday. "82 Land Cruisers, mounted with machine guns, and ‘Rapid Support Forces’ written on them, arrived in El Meiram on Monday," he said. They enforced the curfew of 6pm in the town. An activist in El Meiram said that residents cleared the streets as ordered.

Other regulations under the State of Emergency include a ban on motorcycles and carrying weapons within the city market. Violators of the curfew and other measures will be fined SDG200 ($33), and their property confiscated.

The authorities also decided to confiscate all vehicles carrying goods out of the city. “The State of Emergency and the curfew has raised concern among the residents and traders,” the activist said.

“Travellers, merchants and restaurant owners will be affected by the market closure, along with the commercial vehicles travelling out of the city, where the restaurants providing them with food will have to shut down,” a resident in El Meiram stressed.

West Kordofan state has already imposed several similar emergency measures to curb its rampant security problems and avoid friction between farmers and herders.

