Road infrastructure to be completed in Central Darfur

The government of Central Darfur signed a contract with the federal Ministry of Roads and Bridges for the completion of the infrastructure of its capital Zalingei, and the state’s section of the western Salvation Road.
After the signing, Jaafar Abdelhakam, Governor of Central Darfur, told reporters that his government aims to complete the roads in and around the town, in order to make Zalingei International Airport a port for the export of citrus fruits.

The government of Central Darfur signed a contract with the federal Ministry of Roads and Bridges for the completion of the infrastructure of its capital Zalingei, and the state's section of the western Salvation Road.

After the signing, Jaafar Abdelhakam, Governor of Central Darfur, told reporters that his government aims to complete the roads in and around the town, in order to make Zalingei International Airport a port for the export of citrus fruits.

The main roads of Zalingei, totalling 15km, will be asphalted, at a cost of SDG 58 million ($9,655,500), he announced, adding that the 118km-long road between Kass and Zalingei, part of the western Salvation Road will also be completed.

The director of the National Corporation for Roads and Bridges, Omar Osman Mohamed, commented by saying that the Nyala-Kass-Zalingei road will connect the states of South and Central Darfur, while West Darfur will be connected soon by the 157km-long Zalingei-El Geneina road.

The work on the western Salvation Road will be implemented by Geo, a Chinese company, under the supervision of the National Corporation for Roads and Bridges.


