Chad hands over Darfur LJM rebel to Sudanese security

Chadian authorities handed over a suspected rebel leader to the Joint Force stationed on the Chad-Sudan borderlands. The suspected Darfuri rebel, Engineer Abdelhakim Adam Harun, was then given to security authorities in El Geneina, who in turn deported him four days ago to Khartoum.

Chadian authorities handed over a suspected rebel leader to the Joint Force stationed on the Chad-Sudan borderlands. The suspected Darfuri rebel, Engineer Abdelhakim Adam Harun, was then given to security authorities in El Geneina, who in turn deported him four days ago to Khartoum.Abdelhakim Harun is one of the members of the Liberation and Justice Movement led by Dr. Tijane Seisi. He was the architect of the residences at Camp Al Aradib in eastern Chad. He was arrested along with 20 others who have been released, said Ismail Omar, a lawyer on the negotiating team of the Liberation and Justice Movement, heading the portfolio on power-sharing.

Ismail Omar told Radio Dabanga from Doha that the extradition Abdelhakim to Khartoum is a clear and explicit of breach of the framework and ceasefire agreement signed last February, in which it was agreed to release all prisoners in light of the ongoing negotiations with the government in Doha. Omar said that LJM told the mediation of this violation and demanded his immediate release along with the rest of the cadres of the movement who have been sentenced in Darfur.

Photo: President Bashir and President Deby in Ndjamena, July 2010

