Central Darfur girl dies defending mother

A nine-year-old girl of Mukjar camp for the displaced in Central Darfur was killed on Tuesday when she tried to prevent her mother from being raped by militiamen.
A Mukjar camp sheikh told Radio Dabanga that two militiamen ambushed the mother and her daughter when they made their way back from their farm to the camp in the afternoon.
“The attackers beat the mother and forced her to the ground in an attempt to rape her. When the girl tried to intervene, one of the militiamen hit her with over the head an axe. She died instantly.

A nine-year-old girl of Mukjar camp for the displaced in Central Darfur was killed on Tuesday when she tried to prevent her mother from being raped by militiamen.

A Mukjar camp sheikh told Radio Dabanga that two militiamen ambushed the mother and her daughter when they made their way back from their farm to the camp in the afternoon.

“The attackers beat the mother and forced her to the ground in an attempt to rape her. When the girl tried to intervene, one of the militiamen hit her over the head with an axe. She died instantly.

