Call for investigation committee into deadly Sudan-Libya border incident

The Revolutionary Awakening Council led by Sheikh Musa Hilal has called for the formation of a neutral and an independent investigation committee to investigate the reported killing of 17 Border Guards members by the Rapid Support Forces militia on the border between Sudan and Libya last week.

The Revolutionary Awakening Council led by Sheikh Musa Hilal has called for the formation of a neutral and an independent investigation committee to investigate the reported killing of 17 Border Guards members by the Rapid Support Forces militia on the border between Sudan and Libya last week.

Haroun Medeikhheer of the leadership of the Revolutionary Awakening Council demanded that the committee be formed “from the armed forces and native administrations to establish the facts about how they were killed, considering that the dead were not smugglers as the government claimed, and what the motives were behind their deaths”.

Yesterday he confirmed to Radio Dabanga that “what happened was a terrible act where they were eliminated in a systematic manner as part of a plan prepared by the National Congress for the elimination of cadres of Arab tribes and setting of tribal sedition among Rizeigat, especially between Mahameed and Mahriya”.

Gold mine

On the reported siege of the forces of the Awakening Council of the gold mine in Jebel Amer in North Darfur, Haroun Medeikhheer said that the RSF has withdrawn all of its forces at the mine and other areas in North Darfur and replaced them with other forces belonging to Mahameed.

He explained that “this government plan led to a halt of the attack on Jebel Amer when the forces discovered that those on the mountain were their brothers and cousins”.

He said that the government also sent another force in 39 armed vehicles led my Mahameed as part of a plan to confront their people.

He condemned the actions of the government and its plans in this regard “in an attempt to create strife between us and Mahriya”.

Medeikhheer warned Hemdeti of what he might face in the future after the government will exhaust its objectives and sacrifice him in a manner similar to that of Musa Hilal, as well as warning against setting sedition among the Arab tribes in Darfur.

He said “This will drag the entire province which is not in the interest of this regime”.