Baby dies of diarrhoea infection in Port Sudan

A baby girl died of acuty watery diarrhoea in Port Sudan on Monday. There are twelve infected cases in the capital city of Red Sea state.

A baby girl died of acuty watery diarrhoea in Port Sudan on Monday. There are twelve infected cases in the capital city of Red Sea state.

Two of the people suffering from watery diarrhoea are in the hospital at the seaport; the other ten are in the emergency hospital of Port Sudan, local official Osman Hashim told Radio Dabanga.

He said there is a spread of infections in Um El Ghura and Deminguab districts, but these are not being reported. Hashim claimed that seven people died during the past week.

Residents of Port Sudan are concerned that an epidemic has spread in the city. Hospitals receive more patients each day, an activist told this station two weeks ago.

The infection rate increased because of pollution of water and the spread of flies. Hashim demanded the Ministry of Health to save the people who are at risk of being infected with acute watery diarrhoea.

In September, the number of reports of Sudanese dying of watery diarrhoe began to increase. in particular Blue Nile state was afflicted. Later that month, the federal Ministry of Health reported more than 2,600 cases of watery diarrhoea in the country. The Ministry strongly denied the spread of cholera.

