Attacks cause new displacement from Darfur’s Jebel Marra

40 families representing a total of 530 people who have fled from Darfur’s East Jebel Marra arrived at camp Shaddad of Shangil Tobaya in North Darfur at the beginning of this week.

40 families representing a total of 530 people who have fled from Darfur’s East Jebel Marra arrived at camp Shaddad of Shangil Tobaya in North Darfur at the beginning of this week.

A leader of the camp told Radio Dabanga that these families came to the camp on February 2. They were fleeing militia and herder attacks on Balidy Serif, Libi, and Swanee.

The camp elder said that the new arrivals have not received any aid thus far. He said that a team from Unamid visited the newly displaced on Tuesday, and “promised to notify the humanitarian organisations to provide them with aid”.


Resolution 2340 (2017), which was unanimously adopted by the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) on February 8, and extends the mandate of the Panel of Experts appointed to monitor the arms embargo in Darfur, notes that “the conflict between the Government and armed groups has mostly become limited to the Jebel Marra region.”

The Council is also “particularly concerned at the violence and insecurity that remains, including intercommunal violence, militia activity, banditry, and fighting between the government and armed groups, expressing concern that such violence and insecurity continues to negatively affect civilians and has contributed to an increase in the number of internally displaced persons.”

