Attack on North Darfur market leaves two injured

At least two people were wounded in an attack on the Kabkabiya Market in North Darfur on Thursday.
Speaking to Radio Dabanga, a merchant reported that a group of about ten militants riding five motorcycles raided the market on Thursday afternoon.
“The janjaweed threatened to shoot shop owner Ismail Mohamed if he would not give them his money. When he resisted, they shot him in his leg.

At least two people were wounded in an attack on the Kabkabiya Market in North Darfur on Thursday.

Speaking to Radio Dabanga, a merchant reported that a group of about ten militants riding five motorcycles raided the market on Thursday afternoon.

“The janjaweed threatened to shoot shop owner Ismail Mohamed if he would not give them his money. When he resisted, they shot him in his leg.

“They then stormed the shop of Adam Matar, who was forced to hand them his money, amounting to SDG30,000 ($4,900). Abdallah Bujjah’s shop was plundered.”

The source said that when the gunmen left the market, they fired into the air. “One of the bullets seriously wounded a passer-by.”

