Arrest warrant for Sudanese Islamic hardliner

The Public Prosecutor in Khartoum has issued an arrest warrant for the Imam of El Mursalin Mosque in Jabra based on a complaint against him filed by Sudan’s Minister of Youth and Sports concerning defamation of character and abuse.

Imam Abdelhay Yousef (RD)

The Public Prosecutor in Khartoum has issued an arrest warrant for the Imam of El Mursalin Mosque in Jabra based on a complaint against him filed by Sudan’s Minister of Youth and Sports concerning defamation of character and abuse.

The arrest could not be implemented because Islamic preacher Abdelhay Yousef is currently outside the country.

In a tweet, Minister of Youth and Sports Walaa El Boushi called on the Sudanese to be guards for each other and not to allow the language of atonement, incitement, and extremism.

God’s platforms should be used to spread peace and love among people and not spread rumours of discord and hatred, she said.

The Imam attacked El Boushi after the opening of the first women’s football league, accusing her of infidelity as she is a member of the Republican Party that was set up by the Sudanese Muslim thinker Mahmoud Mohamed Taha, who was executed in January 1985 by the regime of Jaafar Nimeiri.

‘Illegal wealth’

A second arrest warrant has been issued against Yousef, concerning “the ownership of illegal wealth”, as he allegedly received an amount of $5 million from the ousted president Omar Al Bashir for the support of the Teiba satellite channel.

The Public Prosecutor said in a press conference on Wednesday that during questioning, the deposed president mentioned a number of people he had given significant amounts of money to, including Abdelhay Yousef.

In Red Sea state, Tarig Eisa, deputy prosecutor of the public money in the state, issued an arrest warrant against the former governor, Mohamed Eila.

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