Armed robbery, security tensions in North, South, and Central Darfur
Security forces in North Darfur have killed one suspect, wounded another, and arrested a third, after the armed robbery of passengers in two vehicles heading for Tawila market on Saturday. At least three civilians were also injured in the clashes.
On Sunday, after an emergency meeting, the State Security Committee said that the events took place against the background of a robbery on the El Fasher-Tawila Road. The Acting State Police Director, Brigadier Abdelrahman El Mahdi, said that a police contingent moved to pursue the alleged perpetrators and clashed with them. One of the gunmen was killed and a second was wounded by a gunshot wound, and a third gunman was arrested.

Security forces in North Darfur have killed one suspect, wounded another, and arrested a third, after the armed robbery of passengers in two vehicles heading for Tawila market on Saturday. At least three civilians were also injured in the clashes.
On Sunday, after an emergency meeting, the State Security Committee said that the events took place against the background of a robbery on the El Fasher-Tawila Road. The Acting State Police Director, Brigadier Abdelrahman El Mahdi, said that a police contingent moved to pursue the alleged perpetrators and clashed with them. One of the gunmen was killed and a second was wounded by a gunshot wound, and a third gunman was arrested.
He explained that after the robbery, the perpetrators returned again to the locality and clashed with the security forces. Callers told Radio Dabanga that at least three civilians were also were injured during the clashes.
Brig El Mahdi announced the formation of a new joint force consisting of 19 vehicles to secure the Tawila area and its environs.
Central Darfur
In Central Darfur, two people were killed, on Saturday, in two separate events in Mukjar locality in Wadi Saleh in Central Darfur state. Citizens from the area told Radio Dabanga that one of the victims was killed in connection with incidents related to the theft of livestock, while the second was stabbed to death in a quarrel by a young man. else.
Citizens explained that the families of the victim in the first incident refused to receive the body until Sunday morning, demanding a blood money, and indicated that they received the body after the approval of the reconciliation committee in Mukjar locality, to meet with them to determine the value of the blood money.
South Darfur
In South Darfur, the areas of Mershing and Manawashi in South Darfur state have witnessed security tensions recently due to the killing of a person and the injury of others on Thursday in Abu Hamra area, north of Manawashi town, in addition to other security incidents in Mershing during the month of Ramadan.
Leaders from the region told Radio Dabanga that the city of Mershing is witnessing a wide spread of weapons and the movement of gunmen on unregulated waterways.
They pointed out that the citizens of Manawashi were obligated to pay blood money of 10 billion pounds three weeks ago, due to the killing of a citizen.