Angry mob plunders North Darfur Farmers Association stores

A mob of angry people plundered and destroyed the headquarters of the Small Farmers Association in Kabkabiya in North Darfur. They accuse the local government association of unjustly distributing aid to people affected by torrential rains and floods last year.

The plundered office of the Small Farmers Association in Kabkabiya, North Darfur on Wednesday (Social media)

A mob of angry people plundered and destroyed the headquarters of the Small Farmers Association in Kabkabiya in North Darfur. They accuse the local government association of unjustly distributing aid to people affected by torrential rains and floods last year.

They also blame the association’s administration to be closely affiliated with the defunct Al Bashir regime.

Last year more than 98,000 people were affected by the rains and floods in the area. The Small Farmers Association distributed non-food items.

Witnesses reported to Radio Dabanga that hundreds of people stormed the headquarters of the association on Wednesday. They plundered three stores and 13 offices and took household appliances, blankets, plastic sheets, tents, pumps, water tanks, electricity generators, computers, solar panels, tables, chairs, doors and windows.

They also threw out and burned the documents of the association and smashed a vehicle.

The witnesses said that the police intervened and took control of the headquarters after it was pillaged.

The losses are estimated at millions of Pounds.


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