Air raid kills girl near Fanga in Darfur’s Jebel Marra

A girl does not survive an aerial bombardment by an Antonov of the Sudanese Air Force, north of Fanga, which is in control by the army.

In an aerial bombardment north of Fanga in East Jebel Marra on Tuesday afternoon, one girl was killed.

One of the relatives of Nemat Musa Yahya, 12 years old, said that the Antonov plane of the Sudanese Air Force dropped nine boms at about 2.30pm in the area north of Fanga. The explosions led to the death of Nemat. Three donkeys also did not survive the bombing.

The fire that resulted from the explosions spread and burned parts of the land. The residents, the relative explained, panicked and many have fled their houses.

The Sudanese army is in control of Fanga, and managed to regain control of Rokoro, south-west of Ruvata, over one week ago. More than a dozen of civilians were reportedly killed by shelling from the military forces in Fanga.

