Aerial attack on Tanpona, Blue Nile, kills one

One woman reportedly was killed in an aerial bombardment by the Sudanese Air Force in Kurmuk locality in Blue Nile state. Five others sustained injuries, according to the SPLM-N.

The Sudanese Air Force bombed an area in Kurmuk locality in Blue Nile state, on Thursday 9 April, killing one woman, and wounding five others, according to the rebels. They reportedly responded with an attack on nearby Sudanese military positions.

The spokesman of the Sudan People's Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N) issued a statement with the names of the victims. Tahma Aratieb was killed. He reported that a 9-year-old child was among the wounded.

“Also, the bombardment caused fear and terror among the people. Therefore, SPLM-N forces responded by targeting [Sudan's] forces and militias positions.”

