Abductions in Darfur: Man beaten comatose, three kidnapped

A displaced man was beaten into a coma by security officers on Sunday, and left on a farm in Central Darfur. In North Darfur, three people were kidnapped for a ransom on Monday.

A displaced man was beaten into a coma by security officers on Sunday, and left on a farm in Central Darfur. In North Darfur, three people were kidnapped for a ransom on Monday.

Mohamed Hassan, who lives in Mukjar camp in Central Darfur, was taken by six members of the security service on motorcycles on Sunday. They accused him of collaborating with the armed rebel movements.

A witness told Radio Dabanga that the men beat Hassan and forced him to sit on broken glass. He was found comatose on a farm in the area between Korfota and Mukjar.

According to the witness, the security members had prevented him from receiving medical treatment and communicating with his family.


Gunmen kidnapped three people in Korma, North Darfur, on Monday. A relative of one of the victims reported that the pro-government militiamen drove a Land Cruiser with a Dushka machinegun mounted on top.

“They attacked Hamid Kororo, Ahmed Suleiman, and Hussein Ibrahim on the first day of Eid El Adha, and forced them into the vehicle at gunpoint.”

In the meantime, the kidnappers freed Ahmed Suleiman after his family paid them a ransom worth SDG30,000 ($4,900).

Kororo and Ibrahim are still in the hands of the gunmen.

