65+ houses bulldozed in Sudan’s El Gedaref

El Gedaref State authorities have forcibly removed more than 65 houses in the El Hijra district of Aljubarab west of the town of El Gedaref using bulldozers.

El Gedaref State authorities have forcibly removed more than 65 houses in the El Hijra district of Aljubarab west of the town of El Gedaref using bulldozers.

One of the district residents told Radio Dabanga that the police force confronted protesters against the demolition with tear gas and batons. Four people were taken to the hospital an eight were arrested.

He said that the protesters have papers to prove their ownership of the land, consider the removal of their houses as unjust, and demanded the authorities compensate them for their lost property.

The residents of El Mamura district south of El Gedaref revealed the determination of the authorities to remove 100 houses despite their possession of papers that prove their ownership.

They stressed their refusal of the decision of removal and willingness to resist and defend their houses.

El Sir El Gasim, leader of the initiative of El Gedaref for salvation confirmed to Radio Dabanga that the government has removed dozens of houses at Sawakin, El Wihda, and Marko districts in recent weeks.

He accused the government of giving priority to investors and making land resource material for income rather than playing its role in providing housing for citizens.

He attributed the spread of slums to the halt of the housing plan for decades.

He called on the government to stop the investment policy and return to the housing plan.

The representative of El Gedaref State Legislative Council, Mohammed Saleh considers the removal of more than 65 houses at El Hijra district of Aljubarab west of El Gedaref without compensation as contrary to the Council's decision of re-planning of the district. He has described the conditions of the residents following the removal as living in the open without shelter and facing the sun's heat.

He announced that he will arrange to summon the Minister of Lands to the Legislative Council for hearing.

