45,000 orphans in South Darfur

There are 45,000 orphans recorded in South Darfur, according to the Ministry of Social Affairs.
Mahmoud Matar, researcher at the Ministry’s Social Welfare department, reported at a workshop in the South Darfur capital of Nyala, that there are 4,500 homeless minors in the state.
The researcher attributed the high number of orphans in South Darfur, proportionate to other Darfur states, to the relatively high number of men who joined the army, the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces, or other forces, and died in battles or armed conflicts.
In late May, Radio Dabanga reported that, according to a South Darfur government official, there are about 4,000 homeless children in the state.
The Sudanese Solidarity Organisation for Relief and Development announced at the time that it aimed to provide care for 10,000 orphans in South Darfur by the end of this year.

There are 45,000 orphans recorded in South Darfur, according to the Ministry of Social Affairs.

Mahmoud Matar, researcher at the Ministry's Social Welfare department, reported at a workshop in the South Darfur capital of Nyala, that there are 45,000 orphans recorded in South Darfur. The number of homeless minors in the state amounts to 4,500.

The researcher attributed the high number of orphans in South Darfur, proportionate to other Darfur states, to the relatively high number of men who joined the army, the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces, or other forces, and died in battles or armed conflicts.

The Sudanese Solidarity Organisation for Relief and Development announced in May that it aimed to provide care for 10,000 orphans in South Darfur by the end of this year.

A South Darfur government official reported at the time that there were about 4,000 homeless children in the state.

