36 Sudanese bank workers sanctioned for civil disobedience

The Khartoum-based Workers’ National Bank (WNB) has reportedly penalised 36 of its employees in its branches throughout Sudan because of their commitment to the comprehensive civil disobedience action called by the Alliance for Freedom and Change (AFC). The sanctions include arbitrary relocation.

The Khartoum-based Workers' National Bank (WNB) has reportedly penalised 36 of its employees in its branches throughout Sudan because of their commitment to the comprehensive civil disobedience action called by the Alliance for Freedom and Change (AFC). The sanctions include arbitrary relocation.

Bank employees told Radio Dabanga that the campaign targeted staff in Darfur who were relocated to branches in eastern Sudan, while one staff member was transferred from El Gedaref to the Libya market in Omdurman.

Haj Ali Abdallah, a leader of El Gedaref Bankers Association, said the association was in the process of acting to remove the injustice from it associates and they will organise a sit-in on Wednesday before the branch of the WNB in El Gedaref in solidarity with the relocated employee.

The El Gedaref branches of the AFC and the Sudanese Professionals Association (SPA) in the state issued separate statements confirming the obligation to provide legal support to staff members and employees who were subjected to arbitrary arrest, dismissal, and relocation because of civil disobedience.

The statements praised the commitment of all sectors of the people in the city to civil disobedience to achieve the considerable success rates.

The statements condemned the ill-treatment of disobedience by the authorities, referring to the threat by the governor and the director of security apparatus to dismiss the staff.

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