2 student protesters against UNAMID still detained

Two university graduate students who participated in demonstrations two weeks ago at the UNAMID mission in El Geneina are still missing after their detention by security services. The graduates had protested the recruitment policy of the peacekeeping mission. The missing two are Abdelwahid Mohamed Abdullah and Najm Al Din.

Two university graduate students who participated in demonstrations two weeks ago at the UNAMID mission in El Geneina are still missing after their detention by security services. The graduates had protested the recruitment policy of the peacekeeping mission. The missing two are Abdelwahid Mohamed Abdullah and Najm Al Din.Seven representatives of the graduates were initially arrested. Five were later released. The other two remain in custody without charge

Student activists in the fields of human rights in West Darfur yesterday called on the international community and human rights organizations to pressure the government to release all Darfuri detainees urgently, especially those detained in El Geneina. The activists said the detained graduates had participated in a peaceful sit-in in front of UNAMID in El Geneina, to protest against the recruitment criteria of the Mission.

In a statement yesterday, activists called on all youth organizations in the state and in local neighborhoods to unite in a peaceful effort to demonstrate openly for the departure of the current National Congress Party government.

